Our team

About us

#EsConESI is an initiative by FUSA A.C. and Impacto Digital to promote Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) in Latin America.It operates intergenerationally, focusing on youth leadership and active participation. 
We have coordinated bodies working together: the Latin American Youth Board and the Young Mentors Team. Their members are continually updated to support each project, prioritizing youth participation. 

The Latin American Youth Board

An advisory body that validates and provides feedback on the decisions and content generated within the initiative.
Comprising young people from across Latin America, the Board is renewed annually to maintain a diverse, intersectional, and regional perspective. 

Young Mentors team.

Equipo de trabajo vinculado al acompañamiento en actividades prácticas en procesos de formación. Conformado por jóvenes que aportan al desarrollo del programa.

The Coordination

A team of professionals leading the #EsConESI initiatives and supporting this project from the formative, organizational, and communicational aspects.